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Secret key necessary while adding family member

Community Member


I Have a Family license for 1Password 6, and now my family finally wants to start using it. To add a family member I must give in my account information, including my secret key, which I do not have as I have a license, not an account. Wherever I go to in help, I always am led back to the page where I have to give the account info, which I do not have.

What to do next?


1Password Version: 6.8.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.13.1
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Gevoel: Don't give your family members your Secret Key (or other account credentials) unless you really want them you have access to all of your data. Instead, 1Password Families allows each family member to have their own account (5 family members are included in the base price), which allows you to share vaults without sharing everything:

    Share 1Password with your family

    But it sounds like you may be trying to login with a 1Password Account, and you will only have one if you've signed up for a membership. That’s the only way you’ll have a Secret Key or Sign In URL, or be able to access your data through Instead, you can use 1Password without an account you can sync your data from another device or create a new vault:

    1Password sync options

    So if you'd prefer to use your license and sync data yourself, you can do so. I've sent your license information via email in case you need it. Cheers! :)

  • Gevoel
    Community Member


    OK we have been trying tot do this. 1Password was installed on my wife's MacBook, from the Agile Bits store. She created a trial-user. (which seems to be regarded as a trial account). She clicked the license-link in the license information you sent, which downloaded a file. A window appeared stating: You have a license. But the status of her application still wastrial-user, and she does not have a license choice in the 1Password menu.

    so what did we do wrong and what do we do now?


    Gerard van Oel

  • @Gevoel: It sounds like she set up a trial membership when she intended to set up a standalone vault. She'll want to enable standalone vaults (1Password menu > Preferences > Advanced, check enable creation of vaults outside 1Password accounts). This will create a Primary vault for her. From there, she can set up sync -- either with an existing vault you've created or as a new, empty vault to populate with her data. brenty's sync options link should help here. She'll also want to make sure all of her items are copied to her Primary vault, then sign out of her trail account. In Preferences again, click the Accounts icon, select her account and click the - button. Of course, if you have questions, let us know. :chuffed:

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