Server administration console entries do not behave like web logins

Community Member
edited September 2017 in Mac

I wanted to save login details to a server administration console as type "Server", however I found that while this is by design a web login, it does not behave that way, most importantly:
1) There is no open and fill option
2) It can't be used to autofill fields in browser
This makes them much less useful and in the end, I still have one entry for administration console and another one for my SSH login.

1Password Version: 6.8.2
Extension Version:
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @durchanek -- sorry for the trouble. You're correct, the Server category in 1Password for Mac isn't designed to fill web logins. You need a Login item for that. If you had your choice, how would the kind of record you'd like to have be set up?

  • durchanek
    Community Member

    Hi @Lars, I am happy with the current categorisation, and if I would have a choice, I would preserve the current kind of record. Just to be clear, I am referring ONLY to "Admin console" built-in group (please see the screenshot below), which, by its nature, is a web login too and could have the same functionalities.


  • Thanks, @durchanek.

    The technical difference that currently prevents this is that the Server category doesn't store web form details. The web form details are what makes it such that 1Password knows what information to fill where on a login form.

    That said, we do appreciate the feedback, and will take it into consideration as we look into possible improvements.


  • lloydh
    Community Member


    I had also assumed this was a bug and have been maintaining a separate Login items with duplicate data ( :'( ) for our servers.
    The technical explanation makes perfect sense… but it would be wonderfully cathartic to be able to delete the Logins and have the Server items perform their role. :)


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @lloydh! Yep -- we're aware of what a benefit it would be to combine login items with certain other categories -- bank accounts is another one where currently you need both a Bank Account item for your actual account details and a Login item for your online banking details -- and we're looking into ways to combine those or make them more modular. Thanks for weighing in on this, and keep an eye on updates -- especially betas, if you're willing to run those. Cheers! :)

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