Truncated Notes Field in Login Record

Community Member

I have 1Password Account and use a Mac to maintain 3 vaults, one of which is for my wife's stuff. When I create a login, credit card etc., I use the notes field to give her as much info as possible in case I snuff it. This might include instructions, challenge answers, product details etc. However, notes are truncated on her iPad, so she wouldn't be able to access all of the info.

In a previous thread on this subject, it was suggested that a Secure Note would be the best place for longer notes. That isn't actually the case, as all the info is much better held in the login/credit card record itself to avoid searching a separate location.

Is there any possibility that the field size will be increased in the future?

1Password Version: 7.0.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: ios 11.2
Sync Type: Account


  • Ben

    Hi @Oxon,

    Our developers are aware of the difficulty where the 'display' view doesn't show the entire contents of the note, but entering 'edit' view will. They are working on a fix. :)


  • Oxon
    Community Member

    Great. Thanks


  • Ben

    You’re very welcome, Ken. If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


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