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Emergency Kit Question

Community Member

Hello, I have a question about printing out the emergency kit. Since it has both my email (username), secret key, and master password (if I fill it out), doesn't that mean that if someone were to get a copy of it, they could log into my account? Maybe I am misunderstanding how the emergency kit is to be used. Can someone help me understand how having all three pieces of information on one piece of paper isn't a security risk? Thank!

1Password Version: Not Provided
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OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    It is a security risk.

    If you have all three pieces of information written in the kit, then the paper needs to be securely held, in a safe deposit box or the like. This may well be a good thing to do, as it means your 1PW is available to executors in the event of your death.

    The alternative used by many people is to keep the secret key in a more easily accessible form (on an emergency kit in a filing cabinet, or even in your wallet) and not write the master password down at all, or write it down and keep it elsewhere..

    If all your devices were lost or stolen, you would need the secret key (which is not something you are likely to emorise) to regain access to 1PW. You would also need email and master password, but those can be remembered.

  • djs71a
    Community Member

    Thanks. I am debating switching over to 1Password and want to make sure I understand the ins and outs of it before I do. I appreciate your explanation.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @djs71a: Glad danco was able to help! Thanks for checking out 1Password, and be sure to ask if you have any other questions. :)

This discussion has been closed.