Migration: Dropbox Vault to Families

Community Member

I've just migrated from 1Password / single user instance (where I had two vaults stored on Dropbox for syncing), to 1Password Families.

Now that I've copied all my vaults over to Families (with the intention of my Family Vaults being my main "production" lists), would there really be any need to keep any of the old vaults located on Dropbox? I'm thinking that it will only lend to confusion to still have old vaults hanging around on Dropbox.

Thank you!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @joshuad: Hmm. Really, it's up to you. Personally, I've kept every vault I've ever made, many of which still reside in Dropbox. I'm a digital packrat. I admit it. The thing is, they don't bother me or cause confusion there, since I'm not looking in Dropbox when I setup 1Password on a new device ease days anyway; I just sign into my 1Password.com account. So it may not matter one way or the other to you either. But if it does, so long as you have all of your data in your account already, there's no harm in deleting it. We will not be introducing a mandatory 1Password.com upgrade in the future that requires your old Dropbox vault. ;)

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