Invited member's "email address & secret key are not correct".

Community Member
edited February 2018 in Families

I invited my wife to be a member and she is listed with her correct email address. However when she tries to sign in with, she is told: "the email address (hers) and secret key are not correct". She copy and pasted the secret key and also read it back to me-it is correct.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Ben
    edited February 2018

    Hi @sampler

    Are you certain your wife has completed the setup process and been issued her own Secret Key? She should not be entering your Secret Key.

    Share 1Password with your family

    I hope that helps!


  • CyberSens
    Community Member

    I'm not sure if this is related to this issue but I wanted to include it here just in case else, I can start a new thread.

    I'm seeing the same behavior happened with a chrome extension. I have both a one password families and I want past for teams.

    Behavior and steps to reproduce:
    I have two accounts. One personal (1PW4Families) and (1PW4Teams). I have two "1Password Account (......)" that were automatically created when I created my new accounts. Since I wanted to have a copy of my teams account login in my personal account I copied it over.

    Now when I hit from a browser that has not logged in yet. I then want to use my 1pw to fill out My teams account info Email, Sec Key, and Password. However, what it does is fills out the correct information from my team's account Email & Password, but it uses the secret key from my personal login account which has a different email and password. I then have to manually copy the Sec Key from my 1PWTeams login and past it into the appropriate area to log in.

    The other difference with my setup is that I loaded my 1PW4Teams account info first on my 1PW for Mac, but I loaded it second on my 1PW4Families account. This has the affect of making me login to my 1PW4Mac with my 1PW4Teams password to gain access whereas, I log in with my 1PW4Families on my iOS devices with its password. At first, this was a nuisance, but I came to appreciate it because it allowed me to keep both passwords fresh in my memory.


  • Hey @CyberSens! It sounds like the Login items for your team and family accounts have been a bit mixed up. What I'd recommend doing is manually saving a new Login item for each of them:

    How to save a Login manually in your browser

    That way you'll get each email address, Secret Key, and Master Password associated with the correct sign-in address. You can open first, then click "Find my account" to get the details for each of your account. Save the new Login items from their respective sign-in addresses instead of and you should be all set.

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