"Never Display in Browser" for Documents

Community Member

I recently saw that I can hide some logins from "quick search" in browser extensions and 1Pwd Mini. But why can't I hide items in the "Document" category? That would be super convenient since I have almost one document per login (logins using 2FA and Google Authenticator, so I backup the QR image for the 2FA code)

That would be super helpful for me!

1Password Version: 6.8.6
Extension Version:
OS Version: macOS 0.13.3
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Sajjon - We don't have any plans to allow users to hide the entire Documents category (or any other category, for that matter); it adds complexity to 1Password's UI, while providing opportunity for needed items to get missed because of a forgotten preference setting. It sounds to me as if you've named items the same as the search term(s) you're using (or similar enough to cause inclusion in a search). I would recommend not naming the Setup Code image the same thing as the item in question; that will allow you to not see Documents in your searches.

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