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1Password Won't Let Me Update Billing Information

Community Member

My 1Password account is frozen because I need to update my billing information. But when I click on the update billing information button, nothing happens. A window opens with a progress spinner that just keeps spinning and nothing happens. I've tried rebooting and nothing works. Can someone please give me a contact number for 1Password or some kind of contact info for their "customer service" so I can update my billing info? I don't have time for this inconvenience!!

1Password Version: 6.8.7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @Roe_Write! You're actually speaking with "customer service" right now, so you're in the right place. :)

    If you have a account that's entered Frozen status, you can update your payment method in the Billing tab of your account when signed in from a web browser. You can't access billing from with one of the 1Password native apps (Windows, Mac). If you're already signed in using a browser, I'd suggest signing out, restarting the browser, then trying again or try it using a different browser. Let us know how that works for you!

  • InTheDark
    Community Member
    edited March 2018

    I've updated my credit card info but your system insists on calling my expired card the "default" method for payment. Thus, my renewal will not process. There is no way to eliminate the expired card. You've got me in a catch-22......HELP!

    Sigurd Eriksen
    [email address removed by AgileBits staff for privacy on our public forum]

    ref: MXP-61422-686

  • Tully
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @InTheDark!

    Once you've added a second card to your Billing page on, you can switch your default payment method simply by clicking on the new card – this will make the new card the default, and should then allow you to then remove the old card by clicking x next to it.

    Hope that helps – please let us know how you get on!

  • InTheDark
    Community Member

    I found that out several hours later by just aimlessly clicking on everything on the page. Blind luck. Perhaps a simple instruction on that procedure would save future frustration.

  • Hi @InTheDark,

    We're looking at making this more clear as we agree that it's not clear enough at the moment.


  • oscarberman
    Community Member
    edited March 2018

    I apparently closed my 1Password account and am really praying that all of my passwords are still available!!! ???

    I have been a member of 1Password for about 20+ years. I will immediately pay the $. for recapturing or re-entering all new passwords.

    Thank you VERY MUCH.
    Oscar Berman
    [redacted by AgileBits; this is a public forum]

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @oscarberman - sorry to edit your post; for your protection we don't allow email addresses or telephone numbers in this public forum. The first thing I'd like to say is Don't Panic. Seriously, it's unlikely your data is gone unless you actually went out of your way to delete it. We never delete users' data, except on specific, authorized request. Instead, a lapsed account would simply enter Frozen status and remain essentially in limbo forever. I'm going to send you a quick email so we can continue this conversation in private and get you a solution. Hang on! :)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @oscarberman - actually, I see you've already written to our email support team and multiple people have been assisting you there. Let's keep the conversation going via email, since it's already begun there. Thanks!

This discussion has been closed.