Why is my laptop my primary source when my preferred primary source is my iPhone,

Community Member

My Mac has 206 passwords but there are only 56 on my iPhone, despite this being my favoured source. I see that my Mac is listed as my "primary source". If I sync will I lose many passwords?

1Password Version: 6.8.7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.3
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:why does laptop have 200 passwords and my iPhone only 56


  • gailr
    Community Member

    PS Why could I not register in order to join the Forum?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @gailr - Sorry for the trouble with 1Password just now. I'm not sure I understand you, however. You have joined the forum (unless you're using someone else's forum account to post this; my quick check shows this one's been around for a few years), so I'm not sure what you meant by having difficulties registering for our forum. Can you elaborate?

    Regarding having different item counts in your 1Password apps between Mac and iOS, it sounds very much like you may have created two separate standalone vaults that are not syncing with one another. Is that the case? Is either of the devices syncing (you can check in Preferences > Sync in 1Password for Mac and Settings > Sync in 1Password for iOS).

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