Automatically extend search to all vaults if current search results are empty

Community Member

Hi there!

I frequently have to jump between many different vaults (About 40 active at the moment) and often times I'll start a search (1password extension for Safari/Chrome) only to realize that I'm currently in the wrong vault. I switch to All Vaults and then search, returning one (maybe 2-3) items total across all of the vaults. I was wondering if it would be possible to let the search suggest the first few items from All Vaults if the current search results are empty. I know I can hit cmd-0 to quickly switch to the 'All Vaults' but then that clears the search text. In terms of UI, I don't think it'll be too obtrusive as the found password list is already empty so there's space to grow.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mlschuh: That's in interesting idea. It's not something we currently have plans for, but it's something we can consider for future versions. Happens to me all the time. But I guess my concern is that we'd often be using the wrong items by accident then. For example, if I've explicitly switched to my work vault, that's because I only want to access work stuff. It could be bad if I tried to use a personal login with a company service accidentally because 1Password presented it to me when there were no results in the work vault. Food for thought.

  • mlschuh
    Community Member

    @brenty I think the UI can be fairly explicit about all this without being too obtrusive. Attached is a quick mockup of my thoughts that includes this and also another idea to include the vault name when searching in All Vaults (which could also be used in the desktop?). My only thinking is that this might be too much clutter but a lighter/smaller font may help a bit with that. There is already precedent with lighter font (as shown in the mockup) so it's not a completely new thing.

    This doesn't apply to the desktop apps as when you hit CMD-0 to search in all vaults, it doesn't clear the search text and gets it essentially what I'd be looking for.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mlschuh: Aha. I see what you mean! Nice. :)

    I agree that it's possible, and you've really proved that. I guess I was thinking in terms of the current UI. Something like that just won't work there. But as we develop future versions we'll see if we can incorporate something like that into 1Password mini. Cheers! :)

  • mlschuh
    Community Member

    It would be awesome to have some way to help us manage when we have dozens of vaults, especially if it's better than what I came up with. Teams are great, we can make them even better!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2019

    Thanks so much for the kind words, and your feedback on this. We'll see what we can do to make it easier in the future. :)

    ref: xplatform/b5book#812

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