I have entries in the database with existing entries appended with - Recovered Edit. Pls explain.

Community Member

Entries appeared in my 1Password data appending Recovered Edit to current entries, such as BofA - Recovered Edit. I searched and could not locate any explanation regarding Recovered Edit. What caused a recovery?

1Password Version: 6.8.2
Extension Version:
OS Version: MacOS 10.12.6
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:recovered edit


  • @slohenry,

    Thanks for writing in. These new recovered entries were created because you had items that had edits that were in a "pending" state. This means that you started editing the item and then clicked away from it, if you had gone back to that item it would have displayed a "resume editing" button.

    These pending edits were problematic when it came to syncing as they were not synchronized to other devices. When we initially removed the pending edits functionality in 6.8 we found that people had synced edits to those items from other devices leading to a state where there were both local pending edits and incoming actual edits made on other devices. When we went to resolve the pending edits it would overwrite the actual edits from the other devices. The best solution to avoid losing any of the data was to take those pending edits and create these Recovered Edit records and allow the user to decide if the data contained in them was newer or not.

    If you find that the data in the recovered edits isn't what you expect the latest to be then you can simply delete the entry.


  • rschletty
    Community Member

    After using 1P for the past 2-1/2 years, I am just now finding "recovered edits" for the first time – in the past month or so. It seems more like a mistake/bug than a feature. Can I turn off this feature?

  • Hi @rschletty,

    You're right, you would only be seeing these now. Previously, these "recovered edits" wouldn't be shown to you until you selected an item and clicked the "Continue Editing" button. What we've found is that a lot of users had pending edits without realizing it, and so that feature has been reworked. Part of the rework was a one time conversion to take all of the items that you had pending edits for, and to promote them to being real items, marking them as "recovered edits".

    So once you've cleaned them up once, you shouldn't need to deal with them again.


  • rschletty
    Community Member
    edited November 2017

    Ah, that's much better. Thank you. I will get my broom and dust pan and clean 'em up! In all cases, my recovered edit matched my permanent entry, so that's why I was scratching my head.

  • Yeah, in a lot of cases they're the same thing. It would have been nice for us to detect those and automatically clean those out, but we chose the ultra safe/conservative approach instead. Can never be too safe when dealing with user data.


  • chris068
    Community Member

    What's the recommended strategy for "cleaning up" Recovered Edit records, if the Recovered Edit record is the one I want to keep? Is there a way to apply the Recovered edits easily, or must I now delete the original record and manually rename the recovered record to remove the "- Recovered Edit" suffix from the name? Or must I manually re-do the edits to the original record? Some simple merge functionality would be very helpful here...

  • rudy


    If the Recovered Edit has all the information you want to keep, inclusive of previous password history (if you care about that) then I would simply delete the existing record and rename the Recovered Edit. If that Recovered Edit is missing data then i would recommend applying the changed values against your original record as a means of moving forward.

    We want to do a better job of de-duplicating and interactive merges in the future, its definitely something we're thinking about.


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