Feature Request: Default Recipe by Field

Community Member

I use a recipe that includes letters, numbers and special characters for my primary password, but will also use a Password-type field for security question answers. In order to get past the limitations some sites put on that field, I change the recipe to not include the special character.

The current implementation has one recipe for the entire app - change it from 2 special characters to 0, and that's the recipe that will be used for the primary password next time. Find an old site that only allows 12 character passwords? Change it back next time.

I'd like to set multiple recipes in Settings, and assign one to Password, one to "SubSections" (or, better, a section named "Security Questions"), and then be able to override/adjust the recipe on a per-Login basis as that account requires.

1Password Version: all
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: all
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @mikejg! I'm sorry it's taken this long to reply to you. We're a bit buried at the moment, with the launch of both 1Password 7 for Mac and 1Password 7 for Windows.

    Thanks for the suggestions -- changing the Password Generator is something we've been considering for some time. The trick here is to create something that can be beneficial to the largest number of users without inadvertently making the password-generation process more difficult or accidentally breaking the process on some sites as we try to improve it on others. In other words, it's not quite as easy as just adding more options. However, now that 1Password 7 is out the door and working well for most people, we may have some more time to turn to things like fine-tuning the Password Generation recipes and other such issues that have been under consideration for a while. We appreciate your thoughts on the matter!

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