[bug] Same password classified as both Terrible and Very Good depending on item

Community Member

I have two records for a website. One had a longer password than the other, both were classified as Very Good.

It turns out the longer one is not what the website had recorded, so I copied the shorter one from item B over to item A (A has the username, B just had a password). This obviously means that I now have a reused password; that's fine, I can delete item B since it doesn't have the username.

However, item A is saying the password is Terrible (it was copy-pasted in), while item B says the exact same password is Very Good.

I know it's a decent password, so this is probably a bug somewhere :)

1Password Version: 7.0.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.5
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • anhnn123
    Community Member

    1Password7 on my Mac is ranking an auto-generated password (not generated by 1Password, but still) as "Terrible":

    And yet the same password is considered good by 1Password Web:

    (don't worry - we've changed to a different password, so there's no security problem sharing it here).

    Any idea what's up?

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Sync Type: Not Provided

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Please see this comment from AgileBits in another thread on the same issue. There is currently a distinction, in terms of accurately assessing password strength, between passwords generated by 1Password and those not so generated. There is also the inconsistency you noticed between different versions of 1Password. :( AgileBits is aware of the problem.


  • bajandude
    Community Member

    Interesting. Thanks Stephen_C. I wonder if the easiest band-aid right now for Agilebits is to just say "Unknown" instead, with a tooltip explaining why it's an unknown quality.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @bajandude - we are indeed looking into ways to make the password strength meter both more consistent with what you'd expect as a user while at the same time not assuming anything about password strength we're not fully confident of. Stay tuned. :)

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