How can I transfer data from Wallet 3.5 (by Acrylic Software) to 1Password?

Community Member


I'm unable to move my data from Wallet 3.5 (the one by Acrylic apps, not Apple) to 1Password.

I tried several times and couldn't find a way to import from my existing app (version 3.5 Wallet by Acrylic apps - and saw no way without spending a LOT of time transferring the data entries over manually... time I just don't have.
I've tried exporting CSV from wallet but 1Password rejects it. Wallet offers export to CSV, Tab Delimited, or their proprietary file type - .wallet.
I tried first with 1Password 4 (which I bought a few years ago but gave up trying) and recently with 1Password 6. No success with either.
I tried the scripts on your website and CSV didn't work.

I've been using Wallet for a long time but now really want to upgrade 1Password, but I just don't have the time to transfer all my database manually. (It's quite large.) I used Wallet because it was simple, clean, and synced through Dropbox and through WebDAV. Both optiuons suited me because I don't want iCloud nor other cloud services other than Dropbox or my own web hosting.

My (and my wife) Macs & Phones that I need to be playing nicely together with 1Password via Dropbox or WebDAV:
-- 2x Apple MacBook Pro 15" Retina / 3.1GHz / 2TB SSD / 16GB RAM / OSX 10.13.4
-- 2x iPhone 6s - 128GB - iOS 11.4

I've looked online and I'm guessing I'll be requiring 1Password 'Team' for 2 people, each with 2 devices, but I still need to be able to transfer our current data over to 1Password reasonably quickly and easily.

Can you help me please?

Many thanks

1Password Version: 6
Extension Version: 6.8.9
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:How can I transfer daya from Wallet (by Acrylic Software) to 1Password?


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @panda6855 ,

    I’m unable to reply fully at the moment, but will fully reply and help you in the morning... after a cup of coffee.

  • panda6855
    Community Member

    :-D Thank you! Much appreciated.
    I'm in New Zealand so I probably won't be on the move at the same time as you! But i am really looking forward to using 1Password... at last.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited June 2018

    Hi @panda6855 ,

    I've re-read your initial post.

    You'd likely want 1Password for Families, so you and your wife can share and sync. Teams is for businesses and would be overkill and cost more than you'd need to spend.

    The following may be a little painful to hear, but if you want to move forward, it has to be mentioned.

    Acrylic Wallet is a bit of a toy application. The author is not interested in doing much work on the app, and it has stagnated for years. Sorry. In my opinion, you should move on...

    That said, unfortunately, the CSV export from the 3.50 version of Acrylic Wallet is no different than it was 3 years ago - it is just as poor. It is seriously lacking in information:

    • it lacks any information about an entry's category (aka Group)
    • it lacks any Section names
    • it lacks any labels for its fields
    • it provides no field semantics (meanings)
    • it omits empty fields (that you may have added to a Group), so the number of fields per Group can vary randomly, and therefore its column semantics vary randomly per-group
    • columns vary across Groups
    • it does not provides any date validation to its "dates" (which are simply free-form text)

    In other words, its export is nothing more than a bunch of comma-separated strings, (maybe) meaningful only to you upon viewing, but not to automation software that must detect the properties mentioned above.

    CSV is useful for distinguishing one row of data from the next, and within a row, one field (cel) from the next. It does not provide any information about the meaning of those rows or fields. The export function of software must do this, to be useful generally, and Acrylic Wallet does not.

    To make that export meaningful, you will have to do some work to provide that missing "meta information". I'll outline only the initial steps below, because I have hunch you may not be willing to undertake this task. I hope I'm wrong! :-)

    So here is what you will have to do:
    1. Export to CSV
    2. Edit the CSV in a spreadsheet program.
    3. Sort and group all of your entries by Group (this may be easy or hard for you, depending upon any customization you've done, and your ability to recognize your own data in the simplistic CSV export).
    3. Save the CSV
    4. Make as many copies of the CSV file as you have Group types, and name them accordingly
    5. Edit each of those files, and remove all entries that don't belong to the the Group - each file must contain only one type of entry (e.g. all Logins will go into a single file, all Credit Card entries into another, etc.).
    6. You will then be adding labels to each of the columns in each of the files, but I'm going to stop short of indicating what the labels should be until you reach this step. This will depend on the Groups and Fields you have in your data, and to best help you, I'd want get a better understanding of this. The csv converter from the converter suite can handle your data, but it has strict label requirements, and it can be customized to accommodate your data definitions.

    Let us know how you would like to proceed...

    FYI: I do not work for, or represent Agilebits and by "us" above, I mean the group of people here who will try to help you move forward.

  • panda6855
    Community Member

    Okay, I understand what you're saying. ... And yes you're right there is next to zero support coming from Acrylic over the past few years (which is why I originally tried to change over to 1Password v4 back then).
    Damn... but okay. And I definitely do want to move on...
    But I'm about to go overseas (tomorrow actually) for business for 3 weeks but after that I'll have some time to spend on this so I'll do it then. Unfortunately, I'm the only one who both (1) knows the database intimately, and (2) has some grip on the software and process you've suggested.
    1. Did you want me to respond again to you when I've done those steps you've mentioned (up to having edited the spreadsheet file ready for groups/categories to be applied suitably for 1Password)? ... Should be fun... NOT! ;-) I'm assuming there's more editing of the CSV file before actual export to 1Password?
    2. Will 1Password enable me to sync via Dropbox or WebDAV between MacBook Pros and iPhone /iPad after this is done?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @panda6855 ,

    I'll help you when you return - enjoy your trip. Just drop a reply here and I'll see the update. We'll work through the steps getting your data into a suitable format, converted, and imported into 1Password.

    I'd imagine someone from Agilebits will likely have a comment / advice regarding which version to use and how to best use it, so I'll leave that part to them. After you've decided which version of 1Password you'll use, we'll go from there.

  • panda6855
    Community Member

    Thank you. Much appreciated.
    Question... again... will 1Password support syncing my data via Dropbox and/or WebDAV?
    (Dropbox is fine, but I actually prefer WebDAV because then I have my own data — most of it's highly confidential — on my own server under my own independent care... Alleviates the risk of all-too-common loss or exposure of data by careless or poorly managed providers.)

  • JadC
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @panda6855, I understand your concern with regards to syncing services and I am pleased to let you know that we support a wide array of syncing options, including our own, secure 1Password account, iCloud, and Dropbox. 1Password also supports local network syncing (WLAN server) and setting up a local folder that you can configure with your preferred sync solution.

    These sync options are outlined here.

  • panda6855
    Community Member

    Thank you. Very clear!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @panda6855: I wanted to jump in to see if I can help regarding data and sync. I'm a long-time Dropbox user myself, so I think you'll find that can fill this need with regard to 1Password too. If you have any questions while you're getting started let me know. And, most importantly, 1Password data is end-to-end encrypted, so 1Password simply doesn't depend on the sync service to protect your data. So, provided you use a long, strong, unique Master Password, you don't need to worry about it; 1Password is designed to withstand attack even if the encrypted data falls into the wrong hands.

    However, you may want to consider a 1Password Families membership, since that up to includes 5 family members in the base price. It also allows you to easily share vaults securely and help family members recover their accounts if they get locked out — along with many other benefits, like automatic offsite backup and item history, so losing your devices doesn't mean losing your data. Either way, let me know if I can help. :)

    P.S: Have a great trip! Hopefully not all work. ;)

  • panda6855
    Community Member

    Thanks for the pointers, Brenty.
    I could do with some help wading through editing the CSV file when I get to it! ;-) But hopefully it'll only need to be done once.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited June 2018

    @panda6855 ,

    Just let us know when you have returned and are ready to start the CSV cleanup project...

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    The "only need to be done once" perspective definitely helps. Hang in there! :)

  • panda6855
    Community Member

    Hi MrC (& Brenty)
    Okay... thanks folks.

    I've returned now and...
    1. I've made a separate CSV file for each of the 13 groups in my Wallet data.
    2. I also have kept all the Wallet data in a single CSV file just in case I need it for any reason later or during the process.

    I guess I'm ready to tackle this data editing in the CSV files. How do I proceed? What am I looking for to change or remove?
    I have both Apple Numbers and MSExcel available for the editing.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @panda6855 ,

    I hope you had a good trip.

    So let's start with the categories that the csv converter already supports and work with your individual CSV files.

    Grab the 1.10 version of the converter suite in Stable Bits (first post of the converter suite thread).

    The csv converter requires column labels; this tells it how to handle your cell data. The README.pdf inside will give you exact label names you will need to add per category, and tells you the currently support categories. Be sure to review the CSV sub-section of the Exporting from your Password Manager section, and make sure the CSV file you are working meets the requirements mentioned there. This means that your cell data must be in the correct columns - recall from above that Acrylic Wallet will omit empty cells in the row if the data is blank, so you may have to adjust some cells in the row to place them under the correct labels. Once your CSV file meets the requirements, you can try a conversion for that category, import, and check the results.

    If there are specific customizations you'd like, let me know what they are and the format of the data. When you get to a category that is not yet supported with the csv converter, I'll need you to tell me about your data (e.g. for each column, an appropriate column label, cell data type, cell data format). This may require a bit of back and forth.

    It will be faster and more convenient if we work offline via email. My email is at the top of the converter's source files, such as the file.

    I'm on the west coast of the US, so hopefully we can find a time window that works for both of us so that we can minimize any delays.

  • JadC
    1Password Alumni

    It makes me very happy to see @MrC willing to spend time to help other customers :smile:! If you or @panda6855 need any assistance, please feel free to let us know.

This discussion has been closed.