L’s and i’s iOS Font

Community Member

Sometimes I have to use my iPhone to look up a password and then type it elsewhere. It’s impossible to to distinguish between a lowercase l (L) or an uppercase I (i). Is there a workaround without ensuring such passwords don’t contain either of these letters?


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Rollemtam - I think this is a pretty common scenario; I have to do it myself on occasion. And yes, one solution is to edit any passwords to not contain ambiguous characters such as you mention. But there are a couple more ideas. First, when you create new passwords using 1Password for iOS's built-in password generator, you can turn on the "avoid ambiguous characters" option, which will prevent such characters from being used in the first place:

    There are similar options if you're creating the password on a Mac or a PC. If it's a password you received from somewhere else and can't change, or one you chose on your own, then the other option is to use the "Show in Large Type" option:

    Large Type is not only easier to read if you have to switch your attention from a smaller screen to a larger one, but also if you have less than great vision, as I do. Hope that helps!

  • Rollemtam
    Community Member

    Hi @Lars,

    Thanks for the reply. I’ll make sure to keep the avoid ambiguity option ticked in the future. I always show in large type and it doesn’t make it any easier if you happen to have those letters in, I’ll just ensure I avoid them from now on.


  • Ben
    edited July 2018

    Thanks for the feedback @Rollemtam. What font do you have selected in 1Password > Settings > General > Password Font? You may find that there is an option in there that makes a more clear distinction between these letters. I'm personally using Courier Prime which seems to work well for me and does make a fairly significant distinction between i, l, I and L.


  • Rollemtam
    Community Member

    @Ben changing the font works brilliantly!

    I was using regular, and didn’t realise I could change them!


  • Ben

    Great! Glad to hear that helped. :)


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @BrokenHope - it is indeed called Courier Prime Bits! We like it a lot, and hope you do, too. And although I don't make the decisions on such things around here, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see it make an appearance in 1Password for iOS as well. Stay tuned! :)

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