It doesn't offer to update a saved password when I updated a password of a website

Community Member


For instance, I updated my password but it didn’t offer to update the password.

Obviously, update password prompt doesn't work on most websites (inc big ones).

How can I report them or fix this issue?

Best Regards,

1Password Version: 7.0.7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2019

    For instance, I updated my password but it didn’t offer to update the password.

    @koraykupe: Thanks for letting us know! I was able to confirm this and file a bug report so we can look into why 1Password cannot detect it.

    ref: xplatform/filling-issues#225

    Obviously, update password prompt doesn't work on most websites (inc big ones).

    That hasn't been my experience, but certainly the "big ones" you visit may differ from my own. Best to let us know. :)

    How can I report them or fix this issue?

    Here in the forum! If you encounter an issue with a particular site, please post in the browser filling category with the details — OS, 1Password, browser, and extension versions, along with the URL — so we can investigate. :sunglasses:

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