Unexpected “get the extension” window [Uninstall 1Password 6 when using 1Password 7]

Community Member
edited August 2018 in Mac

Hello. I feel like I'm missing something, but maybe not. I updated the Chrome browser extension. Now, when I hit Command+\ in Chrome, the normal little popup window comes up... and then is suddenly overshadowed by a second window, that says "Get the Extension". I'm not sure what it is, because it's not the browser dialog, and it's not the normal app.

I was playing around with version 7, but went back to version 6, but it did it in both cases. What's going on?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:using 1password in browser opens second pop up window


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @chrisburbridge! Thanks for the very demostrative GIF. What it shows is the 1Password mini for both version 6 and version 7, which leads me to conclude that you still have both installed/active. Unless you changed it, the command to invoke the mini is the same in both versions of 1Password, and you'll need to choose one or the other, or you'll likely continue to get unexpected behavior like this.

    If you're set on version 6, then make sure you quit all of the running 1Password processes. Use Activity Monitor in your Utilities folder if you're not sure whether you've quit them all. Once everything's quit, delete 1Password 7 for Mac by dragging it to the trash. Don't use any app cleaners or uninstallers to do this, as these programs can remove more data than we want them to. Just drag the 1Password app to the Trash.

    When you re-launch 1Password 6 for Mac, you shouldn't have this issue any longer. :)

  • chrisburbridge
    Community Member

    Brilliant answer—thanks!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @chrisburbridge - you're quite welcome! Glad I was able to help. :)

This discussion has been closed.