Transfer to a new iMac

Community Member

I used one password on my iMac (buyed from AppStore, 1Password Version 6.8.8 on OS X 10.12.6). The iMac crashed and I replace it with a new one. How can I transfer my content from my Time Machine Backup to the new iMac? Can I copy the program from the Time Machine Backup to the new iMac (OS X 10.13)? What file should I restore from my Time Machine for all my content/passwords?

1Password Version: 6.8.8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.12.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @nadiaknechtle! I'm sorry to hear about the crash -- that can be tough to recover from. :( Let me try to help make it a bit easier for you. First, the actual 1Password application itself doesn't need to be recovered. If you are still using the same Apple ID you used to purchase 1Password originally, you can install it directly from the Purchased tab of the Mac App Store on your new Mac.

    The more important question is your data: before the crash, were you syncing your 1Password data via any method? account? iCloud? Dropbox? Or were you not using sync?

  • nadiaknechtle
    Community Member

    Hello Lars
    Thanks for your help. That sounds good. I synced my datas via iCloud. So, when I install the App with my Apple ID (yes, it is still the same), I’ll find all my data as well?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @nadiaknechtle - not quite, no. You'll need to use the same Apple ID to be able to access your paid version of 1Password 6 for Mac, but once you install it, it will be as if you are a brand-new user. At the first-run screen, choose iCloud as your data source, and your data should be imported.

  • nadiaknechtle
    Community Member

    Ok, thanks a lot. I’ll try it.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • nadiaknechtle
    Community Member

    Hello Lars
    So, now I am installing my new iMac and 1Password. I downloaded the app and imported all my data with syncing from iCloud. Very well, now I see all my data. But: I can't edit my tresor or add a new object. Do I have to sign in? I don't know any other key or Login-Adress. I know only my master password. I don't have a membership, I purchased the program from Apple Store some years ago.

    Thanks for your help!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @nadiaknechtle - did you download 1Password 6 for Mac from the Purchased section of the Mac App Store? Or did you download 1Password 7 for Mac from the regular front page (or did you download it from us)? If you're not sure, click the 1Password menu in your Mac's menubar and then "About 1Password." You'll see the version number there.

    If you downloaded 1Password 7 for Mac, that will be why you cannot add or edit items: because version 7 is a new version and requires either a new standalone license, or a membership.

  • nadiaknechtle
    Community Member

    I downloaded 1Password 7 from the AppStore. So, I can't use this version with my old license or without a membership? Can I download the 1Password 6 from AppStore? I can't see this. Or should I download 1Password 6 from you? Is this compatible with my data and syncing via iCloud?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @nadiaknechtle - 1Password 7 for Mac from that Mac App Store has no direct purchase option. If you want to use version 7 (and that's the version we'd recommend, given that it's the one that's current), you would need to download it from us. If you are certain about using the older version 6, then you would need to download that from the Purchased section of the Mac App Store. It's one of the tabs along the top of the store. Click that and then look for the 1Password icon and click "Install" to the right.

    Both our version and the Mac App Store version can sync your data via iCloud quite well.

  • nadiaknechtle
    Community Member

    Ok, I will try it with the purchased section from Mac App Store because I don't like memberships with monthly paying. Do I have to uninstall the version 7 first? When I do, I can't loose my data, when I sync with iCloud?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @nadiaknechtle - just to make sure you're aware: you can uninstall your current, Mac App Store copy of 1Password 7 for Mac and download it from us, then you'll be able to purchase a standalone license for $49.99.

    If you want to revert to the previous version then yes, uninstall the current version by first making sure you Quit 1Password 7 Completely by typing ^⌥⌘Q (or just holding down the Control and Option keys as you choose Quit from the 1Password menu). After that, visit the Purchased section as I mentioned in my last post. Your data is not at risk because you sync via iCloud.

  • nadiaknechtle
    Community Member

    Works well for the moment. Thank you Lars!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @nadiaknechtle - you're quite welcome. :) :+1:

  • LeonK
    Community Member

    I've installed a new iMac, and used the migration assistant to move everything from the old to the new mac.
    The old one is sold, I'm ready to reset the machine to factory settings, but I'm not completely sure about some things. When I reformat the drive before reinstalling osx, will the file vault in Dropbox stay there? I've made a local backup on the new machine, but as I'd like to start backing up the new machine as well, and the Airport Extreme is full with old back ups, things are confusing me. I'll sort that out, but: will the file vault survive in DropBox? 1Password running on MacBook Pro and iPhone/Apple Watch as well, all syncing via DropBox.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @LeonK: Formatting the drive will erase everything you had on it. If you're selling it to someone you do not necessarily know or trust, it would be best to use the Security Options to Secure Erase the drive by writing zeros over the whole thing, to thwart any attempts at data recovery. None of that will affect your data in Dropbox though (unless you manually delete files from Dropbox while the computer is running, so that those changes sync).

  • LeonK
    Community Member

    Thank you Brenty; done as you said - even as my old iMac is owned by my happy sister now :-)
    Just one question; whats is in your opinion the better sync option: Dropbox or iCloud? I've read but it says nothing about the one being better or safer than the other.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @LeonK - regarding sync, a few observations. First, we wouldn't recommend an option if we didn't think it was reliable enough for people's data. Dropbox was our first cloud sync (and cross-platform) sync method, and it remains an excellent choice. iCloud became possible later, and it works very well if you're an all-Apple user and you have only a single Primary vault (iCloud only works on the first, Primary, vault). However, in 2015, we debuted a new "sync" engine: accounts. I put "sync" in quotes because is so much more than just sync. Even if you look only at the sync aspect, however, accounts represent far and away our best option to date. One aspect of both iCloud and Dropbox sync is that they remain (for us) 3rd party sync solutions with limited and generic APIs that we must make the best of. Again, if we didn't think they worked well enough for your data and our own, we wouldn't use them. But with 3rd party, advanced sync, those engines are not written specifically for your 1Password data in the way that is. It's what allows us to offer things like iterative item history, recovery of accounts in 1Password Families and 1Password Teams, etc. So, if you ask us: what's the best sync method, we're always going to tell you ""

    If you're resolved to stick with standalone 1Password and manual, advanced sync setup, then the main differentiator is whether you have more than a single vault (if you do, Dropbox) and if you want to to be able to use your data on non-Apple devices (again: Dropbox).

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @LeonK: Also, keep in mind that your 1Password data is end-to-end encrypted, so 1Password simply doesn't depend on the sync service to protect your data. 1Password is secure by design, not by chance. So there is no "wrong" sync option. 1Password accounts do have the added security of the Secret Key though, and require no configuration, so we do believe that's the best one. Anyway, we're here if you have any other questions. Happy New Year! :)

  • LeonK
    Community Member

    Thank you both, Lars and Brenty, keep up the good work, in a Happy 2019!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @LeonK - you're quite welcome, and Happy New Year! :)

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