cant sync my ipad to my windows 7 to my android

Community Member

iPad, windows, android are all on 1password 7 standalone
syncing with Dropbox
the upgrade to opvault went ok on windows
seems to have gone ok on ios
however info that changes on iPad
does NOT show up on windows 7.
and android wont tell why it won't sync, it says contact support with diagnostic report which I did. still waiting

please help I'm so frustrated:(

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: ios, windows, android
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @DancingPhoenix

    I'm sorry for the trouble. Our team would be happy to help. I see your emails, and see that they have been routed appropriately. The way our email team works is in order messages are received, based on the timestamp of the latest email in the thread. This unfortunately means that each time you reply to your thread without having heard from us you're bumping yourself to the end of the queue. On average responses are currently taking approximately 3 days. That said, I'll see what I can do to get this expedited for you. In the mean time please try to avoid sending additional emails unless you have new information to add.

    Thank you.


    ref: FIS-39894-186

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