[BUG] Unable to navigate name field with keyboard in Firefox


When saving a login, I cannot use the keyboard or mouse to select text. I have to delete the entire entry and type it out anew. Any ideas?

Although now that I went to go get the version for y'all, it appears almost all the text in not selectable with either the mouse of keyboard. Is this intentional? If so, why?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 1.16.2
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hey @requiredusername (haha, I like it!)! Can you give me more details about what you're trying to accomplish and what exactly isn't working? What text, and where? What is it specifically that you are trying to select? If you can give me steps detailing what you're doing so I can see exactly where things aren't working right, that'll be tremendously helpful in figuring out if we have a bug on our hands, if I have a suggestion for you, or some other outcome. :smile:

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