1PW MINI won't auto detect pw on sites

Community Member

I did clear some caches and then upgraded to Catalina a day or two ago. So not sure which may have affected auto detect within mini.
But basically both the main functions I had enjoyed now seem gone.

-When I manually click on 1PW Mini icon while on a site log-in: auto-detect isn't working.
-After creating new PW on a webpage and submitting, Detecting and being offered to save it as "new" or optionally "update"

I have restarted the computer a couple times and same outcome. I have 1PW 4 when it stopped a couple days ago and then reinstalled 1PW 6 to see if aut0 detect would start up, restarted computer after DL and no auto detect yet.

1Password Version: 6.8.9
Extension Version: dont have
OS Version: OS X 10.15.2
Sync Type: dropbox


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @nater88! I see you've asked this same question of our email support team. Without digging more deeply into things, it sounds as if you may have recently downloaded/installed 1Password 7 for Mac as well, but not yet either purchased/applied a standalone license for the new version or signed in with a valid 1password.com membership within 1Password 7. Could that be the case? Do you see a "Read Only" badge on your items, when viewed in the main 1Password window? If so, you'll want to click either the "Subscribe Now" button in the Purchase Options window, or the "Need a license? We have those too" button.

    If that's not the issue, we'll likely need to dive deeper into the specifics of your 1Password setup, which shouldn't be on this public forum. In that case, we will probably want to move this conversation to email for your privacy and to avoid communicating in multiple channels simultaneously, if that's OK with you. Thanks!

  • nater88
    Community Member

    Hi Lars,
    No i did not dl 1pw 7. Only difference is potentially clearing cache or downloading catalina, that i think of that could be the culprit that i know of.

    I do not see a read only.

    Moving over to email for privacy is fine, pls reach out, thanks!

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    :+1: :)

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