1P can't scan OTP QR-code from ea.com

Community Member

When trying to enable 2FA on ea.com and trying to use the on-screen scanner of 1P to scan in the QR-code, it doesn't work. The scanner rectangle just blinks red when placed over the QR-code. On EA's site, you can switch between different versions (for iPhone, Android, Windows Phone etc.), but none of them work. I took a screenshot and then tried to scan from the screenshot: same result.

1Password Version: 1Password 7 Version 7.2.3.BETA-5 (70203005) AgileB
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.14.1
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • invalidptr
    Community Member

    +1. Setup 1TP for three other sites tonight and it worked without issue.

    I'm 1Password 7, Version 7.2.3.BETA-5 (70203005), AgileBits Beta
    macOS 10.14.2 (18C54)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @cryptochrome and @invalidptr - hmmm, yup, you're right. Just tried to set up 2FA on an EA account myself, and got the same result as you did -- in both 1Password X and regular 1Password 7 for Mac extension. That means...well, I won't speculate, but I've filed an issue for it, so I appreciate you pointing it out. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I've made the developers aware.

  • cryptochrome
    Community Member

    No worries. Thank you for taking care of it!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @cryptochrome - :) :+1:

  • AsParallel
    Community Member

    Any update on this? Same issue persists a year later, work arounds also welcome.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    The problem is likely that the code you are trying to scan is not the QR code for 2FA. If you are trying to do it with the QR code that you see in the screenshot above, that's not the 2FA QR code: if you look below it, it will say that the QR code is used to download the authenticator app. The correct QR code for 2FA is on the next page :)

  • invalidptr
    Community Member

    Good eye. Need to work on my reading comprehension. 8-)

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    No worries, I have seen this a few times before and it caught me too the first time ;)

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