1password 7 chrome extension with keyboard shortcuts is useless

Community Member

I upgraded from 1password 6 to 7 about a month ago. The new Chrome extension is all shiny but it is simply not reliable when you work with keyboard shortcuts.

I want to hit Command‑Backslash (), type the website, hit enter and get logged in. This is how it always worked in version 6.

But it is broken in 7. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. The extension never automatically hits enter after the password was filled.

Is there a way you can fix this please?

1Password Version: 7.3.2
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.15.1
Sync Type: none


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @maxlman! Unfortunately, no. What you're referring to is called auto-submit, and it was removed by Apple in the days of Safari 12. We'd been using a simple script after filling login/password information to simulate the press of the Enter key, and that's what Apple disallowed in Safari. They pointed out that although our own (and some other developers') use of it was perfectly legitimate, no application should have the power to simulate the press of so powerful a key as the enter key, without user interaction. That's how some of the world's worst malware installs itself or works its mischief. On reflection, we agree with Apple's decision. Here’s a post I wrote last November that explains things in a little greater detail. Bottom line: 1Password 7 (in all browsers) should do what it did previously in 1Password 6 for Mac, with the exception of that last Enter key-press, which we'll all need to get used to doing for ourselves once again. Let us know if you have any questions. :)

  • maxlman
    Community Member

    Thanks for the comprehensive response, Lars! Point on the simulation of the Enter key understood and taken. But the new extension as a whole is unreliable. It is hard to explain because the bugs are not reproducable, sometimes they occur, sometimes they don't.
    Let me give you an example:

    I hit Command+# (# because I use a Germany keyboard)
    I type "ama"
    I select Amazon from the list, website opens and username is filled
    I press Enter
    Password is being asked, I have to hit Command+# again, select Amazon and hit Enter again
    Nothing happens

    The second time I try this it suddenly works.

    Sometimes I select an entry from the extension list and press Enter only to arrive back in the now empty search box.

    I already installed the latest version of everything.

  • Zortrium
    Community Member

    I've basically given up on 1Password in Chrome at this point because it often requires 5+ attempts for autofill to work, and just isn't worth the hassle. This has been going on for months and it's evident that it's affecting quite a few people judging by the number of threads of people mentioning this. Every time I've posted about this the response is "our developers are aware of this", but as far as I can tell nothing has been done. This isn't just a minor annoyance -- it basically defeats the entire purpose of autofill, and I'm perplexed why it doesn't seem to be higher priority. At this point I'm switching to Safari every time I need to use 1P, which is an annoying waste of time in itself.

    Is there any work being done in fixing autofill on Chrome?

    Other reports eg here: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/529002

  • Ben

    Thanks @maxlman. It sounds like you may be running into a bug that we're aware of and are trying to track down. We're tracking it internally as #4317. If you try this with Safari do you see the problem there?


  • maxlman
    Community Member

    Thanks Ben, I will try with Safari, even though it is not my browser of choice.

    One more thing that, if I remember right, was better with the old extension is when username and PW is being asked on two subsequent pages. For example login with Google. Username and PW was always both filled despite being on two pages. Very annoying that I now have to find and search the same entry twice.

    Hope you can sort this out soon, for me the extension and auto-fill feature is the #1 1Password convenience feature.

  • Ben

    Hope you can sort this out soon

    Me too. :)


  • maxlman
    Community Member

    Thanks Ben!

    I just happened to work on my old Macbook with 1password 6 and damn does the Chrome extension work well there!

    Are you guys making any progress on this? I mean the whole usability of the "new" extension is .... Starting with that you have to scroll down to see everything within the little window that opens. Besides that, autofill is still unreliable to a point of making me crazy.

    Sorry for being so frank, but I have bought two licenses for this software and it used to work like a charm. Any updates? Maybe rebuild it from scratch? Reintroducing the "old" extension?

    (And of course I do love 1password, keep up the great work).

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Yes, please see this post from my colleague Lars for the latest updates ;)

  • maxlman
    Community Member

    Thanks @ag_ana I will take a look!

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    :+1: :)

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