Firefox 72 1.18.0 Bugs



can you please translate this also in German?

The Popout doesnt work anymore. It opens directly the web vault.

When i activate the haveibeenpwned option in 1PX, then it is not activated in the web vault?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the reports, @blaxxz! I've got the translation issues reported to our developers from one of the times you reached out previously.

    The "open in new window" leading to a new 1Password web tab was an unintentional change, and we've got that one reported. I still appreciate you letting us know you ran into it, though.

    I haven't been able to figure out the issue regarding enabling haveibeenpwned. I'm wondering if it's because I already had that option enabled in the 1Password web app. Just to make sure I'm clear, you enabled the Check for vulnerable passwords setting in 1Password X, then what did you notice (or what steps did you take) when opening the 1Password web app?

    ref: dev/core/core#700
    ref: dev/core/core#1046

  • blaxxz
    Community Member

    I activated the haveibeenpwned Option in 1PX.
    But i thought that this would activate this Option for my Account and not only for the 1PX extension.

    So i must also activate it in the Web App separately?

  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2020

    @blaxxz – Ah I see. That setting is specifically for the 1Password app it's enabled on (1Password X and the 1Password web app being separate apps). Similarly, it's something that would need to be enabled again in 1Password X if you were to remove the extension and re-add it.

  • blaxxz
    Community Member

    Can you please translate this too?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for reporting this string too :+1: :)

This discussion has been closed.