2FA not working as intended (?)


I've recently activated 2FA in my account and I've noticed something odd.

Usually if you get asked for your 2FA code you must introduce it in order to get to the next screen, here you can simply cancel the 2FA and you can get in and check whatever you want inside your account (if you know your master password ofc.) and the only disadvantage is that your account doesn't get sync with the cloud.

I know some people use 1Password without cloud access or offline but I think this makes 2FA method valueless.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2020

    Hi @Keitzane! With 1Password X, you won't be able to receive or push any updates without authenticating with MFA when you're asked for it. That's only if the account has been authenticated in the same browser profile in the past, though. You're right in that you can still cancel the request for MFA if you need to access something, but again, the data won't be syncing with the server until you authenticate with MFA.

    I hope this clears things up, but let me know if you have any other questions!

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