After saving a login item, password item is not deleted automatically

Community Member

Hi all,

Some website registrations are based on invitation links, and this pages just ask to generate a password since email is already in the URL or session. Using 1Password I generate the password, and it is saved as a password item. Just after that, I try to login and 1Password asks me to save it. I save it, but the password item -which is the same password with the login item- is not deleted.

I know that there is a tool to clean up redundant password, but it doesn't work for this case and says 'We found no redundant passwords to clean up.'

Would you consider such a feature to remove the password item for this type of use cases?


1Password Version: 7.4.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Ben

    Hi @koraykupe

    It should be doing this already... :) Could you please let me know what service (URL) you're having this trouble with?


  • koraykupe
    Community Member
    edited April 2020


    I think recently it happened on these website:

  • koraykupe
    Community Member

    Another example on an internal website. Just happened. First a registration page with only password field, and then logged in with same credentials, but the password item still exists.

    Oh, maybe in this case, it didn't offer me to save the login. I saved it manually.

  • Ben

    Thanks @koraykupe. I believe you may have found a bug. I was able to see something like what you're describing when playing around with I've filed an issue with our development team in hopes they can figure out what is going on 'under the hood.'


    ref: dev/apple/issues#4659

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