Is it possible to import data from a CSV file into Secure Notes to include custom fields?

Community Member
edited April 2020 in Mac

I'm new to 1Password and working on importing my data from another password manager that outputs CSV files. I've read the knowledge articles here and the one "How to create a 1Password compatible CSV file" shows for Secure Note just two fields: title, text of note but if I create a Secure Note on the macOS version of 1Password I can add custom labels and sections. Is it possible to import data into Secure Notes and have custom labels and section data included in the CSV file?

I have a whole category of information related to hardware and serial numbers (cameras, computer equipment, gadgets) that I track including purchase information (dates, cost, vendor, order numbers, warranties etc.) and I've looked at the other categories and I think I will end up using a Secure Note. If I cannot find a way to import this via CSV it means I will have to create a Secure Note "template" with the custom labels and sections I need, duplicate it and then manually populate for each record I have (over 200), so looking for options if available.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Secure Note importing with optional fields


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2020

    @gadgetHound ,

    Yes! Use the csv converter in the converter suite . See the README.html for formatting instructions. Just follow the directions.

    If you have exported from one of the supported password managers, use its converter instead for a more direct route.

  • gadgetHound
    Community Member

    Thanks - I did find the converter suite previously but wasn't sure if it could help so I will look into it further. Unfortunately I'm not coming from one of the supported password managers so CSV is the only path.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Great, @gadgetHound . I'm curious, which p.m. are/were you using?

    Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

  • gadgetHound
    Community Member
    edited April 2020

    @MrC, I am using Codebook by Zetetic and it had served me well for years. A recent software upgrade has brought some bugs that I've struggled with for a long time, so now I'm evaluating 1Password. I've been migrating data using a combination of manual entry and CSV imports. I'm actually cleaning up records in the process and discarding obsolete info so it's a worthwhile activity but it's slow.

    I've been stuck on the last few groups of records which I think are most suited to the Secure Note but I would need additional custom fields and couldn't find any info on whether those could be imported via CSV for that type (it didn't look that way based on the info I found). The converter suite's CSV info doesn't list Secure Note so I might be missing how I can use it?

    For example I have about 200 records that contain serial numbers for 'hardware': Serial #, Item, Model, Order#, Vendor, Purchase Date, Cost, Warranty Start Date, Warranty Term, Payment Method. Maybe the 'Software' category is the closest match (even though I'm tracking hardware items) or I could make Secure Note fit (but I wouldn't use this category if I must manually enter all the records).

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