Customize Watchtower Alerts?

Community Member

How do I disable the Watchtower alert about reused passwords? I don't see anything in Preferences or Help that describes how to do it. Thanks!

1Password Version: 7.4.3
Extension Version: NA
OS Version: 10.13.6
Sync Type: NA
Referrer: forum-search:disable watchtower reused passwords alert


  • Ben

    Hi @KatieDydde

    It isn't possible to turn off specific components of Watchtower. You would need to turn off the entire system in order to disable the reused password boxes. Sorry for the inconvenience.


  • KatieDydde
    Community Member

    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for your response. I don't care if I lose all Watchtower's features. I don't need them. I've looked through the menus and help, and I can't find a place to turn off the Watchtower functionality. When you say I have to turn off the entire system, do you mean the entire 1Password program? If so, does this mean I have to revert to an earlier 1Password, or can I get rid of Watchtower by cancelling my subscription and continuing to use the standalone apps?

    Thanks again.

  • Ben


    The closest you could get would be to uncheck all of the checkboxes in 1Password > Preferences > Watchtower. Using standalone wouldn't help - Watchtower is built into the apps. You possibly could use an older version of the app, but that isn't something we would support. Again I apologize for the inconvenience.


  • KatieDydde
    Community Member

    I've unchecked all the Watchtower preferences boxes, but I'm still getting the red banner alerting me that I have duplicate passwords. Is there another Preferences page that I should be looking at? I think I've looked at everything.

    Thanks again for your help.

    P.S. If there's no way to turn off that banner, can you add a feature that allows the user to customize his experience?

  • Ben

    I can certainly pass along the suggestion. Thanks!


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