Delete Alphabet Letters?

Community Member

On the sidebar, in tabs, is there any chance you can add a preference to turn off the alphabet letters that display after you add 10 items? They just take up space and are not very useful. When scrolling through the list your eyes are focused on the first letter of the entries. Thanks, Jim

1Password Version: 7.5
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: MacOS 10.15.4
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Ben

    Hi @jimclawson

    Could you please give us a little more information about your setup? 1Password X doesn't have any such alphabetical sidebar, and doesn't work with vaults synced via Dropbox, so I'm a little confused as to what you're seeing here. I don't believe any of our software that does have such a sidebar supports turning it off, but once we have more information we can confirm.



  • jimclawson
    Community Member
    edited May 2020

    I am referring to a list of logins within a Tab. Please see the following screen shots. The first is a list with 10 items within a tab. The second is the same list when you add the 11th or more items. The alphabet letters just are not helpful, and make the list physically longer.

    [screenshots removed for privacy]

  • Ben

    Gotcha. Thanks @jimclawson. That appears to be 1Password for Mac, rather than 1Password X. There isn't a way to disable that functionality in 1Password for Mac other than to sort by something other than title, in which case you'll get headers that line up with whatever you're sorting by.


  • jimclawson
    Community Member

    Got it, perhaps an option for a future update? Meanwhile, I just tried changing the sort to "Category", and now the list is still alphabetical, but the letters are gone. Guess that solves it for me. Thanks!

  • Ben

    Got it, perhaps an option for a future update?

    Perhaps, but to be honest, we're quite picky about what preferences we add. We already have quite a few. If you do a search on this forum for "add a preference" you may be able to get a sense of why we're fairly hesitant to add more. If anything I think we'd like to get rid of some. There has to be a fairly significant demand for such a change, and even then, it would have to be a case where simply changing the default behavior is not an option.

    That isn't a hard 'no,' but as far as I can recall this is the first request for such a thing. We'd have to see quite a volume of interest in order to consider that. :)

    Meanwhile, I just tried changing the sort to "Category", and now the list is still alphabetical, but the letters are gone. Guess that solves it for me. Thanks!

    I'm glad to hear you were able to find a solution. :+1:


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