I have Families plan. Is it using dropbox for syncing?

Community Member

I have a 1password Families membership.

I have 1password X and 1password 7 on my macs. (I need both because X does not work on Safari.) On my iphone and ipad I have the 1password 7 app.

My wife's mac uses just 1password 7 (I have wanted to confuse her with X yet, but I will soon)

I am doing some spring cleaning, and have decided to stop using Dropbox. But I thought that I remembered that 1password uses dropbox to sync. Or maybe it's just 1password 7 that does? Can someone tell me if either or both use dropbox, or if I can safely stop using dropbox.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Ben

    Hi @slobizman

    If you've successfully migrated to 1Password Families then Dropbox is uninvolved in syncing your 1Password data. 1Password itself would be your sync service. To verify that the migration was successful and Dropbox is no longer involved please check each of your 1Password installations for the presence of a vault called "Primary." There shouldn't be one. If there is, that would indicate the migration has not been completed on that device, and we should address that. :)

    1Password X definitely won't have a Primary vault as it doesn't support them, so no need to check that.



  • slobizman
    Community Member

    No "Primary" vault in 1password, so yes, I'm good then.

    Question: would you say that 1password X is the future? Or is it niche? I like it, but can't get around the issue with it not working in Safari even though I primarily (but not always) use Chrome. So I see no solution but to have both 1pwdX and 1pwd7 installed. If it will never work on Safari, maybe I should decide to just dump 1pwdX. Comments?


  • Ben

    Both 1Password X and the Safari App Extension (SAE) are being developed in parallel. There's no reason you can't use 1Password X in Chrome/Firefox and SAE in Safari. I don't know that it'll ever be possible to have 1Password X in Safari, but we may bring the interfaces of the two more in line so they look/act more similarly.

    Technically there are 3 different 1Password extensions available on Mac:

    • 1Password extension (desktop app required) - Oldest of the three, works in all of our supported browsers except Safari. Is not actively being updated at the moment
    • Safari App Extension - available in Safari only, and modeled after the 1Password extension (desktop app required)
    • 1Password X - Our newest extension, and the one that gets the most development attention. Works in all of our supported browsers except Safari

    Admittedly we're in a bit of a transition period, and having three different extensions that all serve the same purpose but look and act differently is not ideal. Generally I recommend people use 1Password X if using Chrome and/or Firefox, but SAE is the only option if using Safari. :+1: Hopefully in the future we can consolidate and have less options, which will be less confusing. :)


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