Wall Street Journal - Unable to AutoFill Password

Community Member

When I go to the web page of the Wall Street Journal (https://www.wsj.com) and click to Login, I am taken to a login page (https://sso.accounts.dowjones.com/login/) that asks for an "email or username" and also a password. When I try to AutoFill with 1Password, it autofills my email but places nothing in the password field. The 1Password entry was created manually, using the 1Password extension's "New Login" functionality. When I look at the entry, my email address is at the outermost level, but my password is stored under an entry "SAVED ON SSS.ACCOUNTS.DOWJONES.COM". That matches the initial part of the URL so I thought it would be OK, but something is keeping 1Password from AutoFilling the password. Has anyone run into this?


1Password Version: 7.6 (70600006)
Extension Version: N/A
OS Version: OS X 10.15.6 Catalina
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • rudy


    You'll want to edit the item and promote the value for the password under the "SAVED ON SSS.ACCOUNTS.DOWJONES.COM" section to the top most password field on the item. There is currently an issue where some sites (and autofilling from Safari's password store) does't mark the field as having been modified, which causes it to put the password value in the wrong field when it creates the item.

  • WDeatrick
    Community Member

    That worked! Thank you, @rudy. ~ Will

  • Ben

    Glad to hear Rudy was able to help. :) If there is anything else we can do, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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