Changes on iMac 1password do not appear on iPad 1password


I have a account. When I change a web site password on my iMac, it appears in But it doesn't appear on my iPad. I have 1password, the app, on my iPad and it is there that I expect to see the changed password. I can't understand your instructions for IOS, where it says sign into your new account and then tap on settings, etc. If i use iPAD Safari to sign in to, there is no 'settings' to tap on.

1Password Version: 7.6
Extension Version: 7.6
OS Version: 10.15.6
Sync Type: ?
Referrer: forum-search:Changes on device not migrating to others


  • bobgoldstein1passwrd

    The instructions I was referring to are the migration instuctions for IOS.

  • Hi @bobgoldstein1passwrd

    If i use iPAD Safari to sign in to, there is no 'settings' to tap on.

    I apologize for the confusion. Are you referring to the steps here? These instructions are intended to be followed in the 1Password for iOS app, rather than Safari. The 1Password for iOS app can be found here:

    1Password for iOS on the App Store

    I hope that helps.


  • bobgoldstein1passwrd

    Thanks! When i start up my 1password app on the iPad, and tap on settings and then on vaults, the only result is that I have a vault named Personal. But now, the changed passwrod does appear on the iPad. Might this be just an issue of letting enough time pass between chanign a password on iMac and then looking for it on the iPad?

  • @bobgoldstein1passwrd

    Having only a Personal vault (and not a Primary vault) is the goal, so it sounds like you're all set there. If you add a new record on the Mac does it appear on the iPad, and vice versa? If so I think you're good. :)


  • bobgoldstein1passwrd

    Thanks for your help. All good now.

  • Excellent. Thanks @bobgoldstein1passwrd. :+1:


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