Fasten up restore clipboard

Community Member


I love the feature that 1password replace the clipboard with the one time password for 2FA and restore the clipboard after a time. But the time between replacing the clipboard with the one time password and recovering the original clipboard content is too long for me. I need perhaps 5 or 10 sec not 30, 45 or 60... Don't know how long it is. At the moment it annoys how long it takes to restore the original clipboard in my workflow. Would it be possible to set the restore time for myself in the future? It would be a nice setting.

Is there a workaround at the moment?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Ben
    edited November 2020

    Hi @gummipunkt

    At present the timer is fixed. Perhaps that is something we can offer more flexibility for in the future. I personally use a clipboard manager (the one built-into Alfred app to be specific) so that I can retrieve the previous contents of my clipboard at any point. I'm sure there are plenty of options out there for clipboard managers, but that's the one I have experience with. As a bonus, it has 1Password integration. :)

    I hope that helps!


  • gummipunkt
    Community Member

    Hi Ben,

    of course there're a lot of apps out there wo could did this job well. But I'm trying to use not more software and apps as really needed. I think to change a fixed timer into a variable and an option should be no problem for the fantastic 1password programmers. :-) Perhaps you'll forward this feature request, I would be happy about it. Don't know, perhaps I'm the only one who cares about it... would be possible of course.


  • Ben

    I understand. You asked about a workaround, which is why I mentioned a clipboard manager. :) Thanks for the suggestion! Admittedly the bar is fairly high for adding a preference (to get a sense of why, search this board for "add a preference"). We'll keep an eye out and monitor what sort of demand there is for customizability here.


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