Unlock 1password safari extension (Big Sur) with a short key like 1password X

Community Member

First of all, THANK YOU for the great improvement of 1Password on Safari. I always loved 1Password X and now I have even less reasons for using Google Chrome. And the function to unlock with Apple Watch.... 😘

But I do like to know if there is a way to activate the unlock 1Password from the Safari Extension with a shortKey (like "Command" + "Shift" + "X" on 1Password X)? Now I have to click with my mouse on the unlock button but I want to use my Keyboard for doing that if possible?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Unlock 1password safari extension (Big Sur) with a short key like 1password X


  • Ben

    Hi @nicolinden

    ⌘\ (command + backslash) should do the job. :) Thanks for the kind words!


  • nicolinden
    Community Member

    Thanks ben, that indeed seems to work. I assume you can't do anything to prevent the actual 1password mini screen to pop-up though? If not this is more then workable, but it is just a bit slow to unlock this way (much slower then when you click the button to unlock which only shows the "1password is trying to unlock" dialog)?

  • Ben

    I assume you can't do anything to prevent the actual 1password mini screen to pop-up though?


    If not this is more then workable, but it is just a bit slow to unlock this way (much slower then when you click the button to unlock which only shows the "1password is trying to unlock" dialog)?

    That's fair. I'll pass that feedback along to development to see if there are any ways in which we might speed this up. Thanks! Stay safe out there.


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