7.7 Safari Extension - Unlocked in Toolbar; Locked in UserName & Password fields.

Community Member

Since 7.7, in Safari on CataIina, I have been loving the in-form Username/Password drop-down and fill-in on the page. Occasionally, I have been seeing where 1Password is unlocked in the Toolbar, but the drop-down in-page shows locked and requires my password. I can still go up to the ToolBar and select the password to fill. It seems like 1Password is confused between the in-page drop-down vs. the Toolbar.

  • Lacrocious

1Password Version: 7.7
Extension Version: 7.7
OS Version: OSX 10.15.7
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Lacrocious! Welcome to the forum!

    The next time this happens, I would like to ask you to generate a diagnostics report from your Mac and email it to us to support+forum@agilebits.com, so we can take a closer look at why this is happening to you.

    After you have sent the email, please feel free to post the ticket number you received so we can locate your message and connect it with this forum discussion.

    Looking forward to your message!

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