Some logins don’t work after 1Password 7.7 update

Community Member
edited December 2020 in 1Password in the Browser

MacBook Pro, running Mojave 10.14.6, Safari 14.0.1. Since the update, some logins work fine as before but others are wonky.

1) For one website I visit regularly, 1Password won’t fill the sign-in fields. I have to manually copy my username and password. When I click in the field, the 1Password suggestion appears but nothing happens when I click it. (This issue affects Safari only; 1Password successfully logs me in on Firefox or Chrome.)

2) For a financial website, checked every day, 1Password correctly logs me in, but then presents a dialog asking if I want to save a new login or update existing – even though nothing has changed. After days of clicking past this, I finally selected “update existing” to try to make it disappear. But it saved the password incorrectly! Fortunately I had a secure copy of the password and was able to fix it.

I know something always goes sideways with any update. I see no systemic problem, just intermittent with some websites on Safari. Suggestions for how to troubleshoot and fix these would be appreciated.

1Password Version: 70700015
Extension Version: N/A
OS Version: OSX 10.14.6
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @GeorgeAndy!

    For one website I visit regularly, 1Password won’t fill the sign-in fields.

    What is the URL of this website?

    For a financial website, checked every day, 1Password correctly logs me in, but then presents a dialog asking if I want to save a new login or update existing

    We can test this too. Can you share the URL for this website too? Thank you!

  • GeorgeAndy
    Community Member

    No problem at all. The first website is
    1Password doesn't fill the fields at all.

    For Royal Bank
    After logging me in correctly, 1Password keeps asking if I want to save as a new login.

    It's a minor annoyance to have to click past this dialog . . . but still an annoyance.

    These problems seem to be only with Safari. The extensions in Firefox and Chrome seem to work as normal for these sites.

  • ag_michaelc
    edited December 2020

    Hey @GeorgeAndy. Thanks for sharing the sites with us. :smile:

    For Garmin, this is a bug that should be fixed in the latest 1Password beta. You're welcome to try out the beta now, if you'd like, but otherwise it's a fix you can look forward to.

    For Royal Bank, this is due to the way the newer extension in Safari works coupled with the fact that Royal is trying to mask the password after it's filled, so 1Password sees a bunch of asterisks in the password field and thinks it needs to be saved as a new password. We're investigating the best way to approach a fix for this, but in the meantime if you go to 1Password > Preferences > Browsers, you can add to the autosave exclusions list, and this should prevent the autosave prompt from appearing on this site.

    Let me know if you have any questions about either of these!

  • khb54321
    Community Member

    My password doesn't work either. It's fine if I go to 1password and copy and paste. But not autofill.

  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni

    @khb54321 – I haven't been able to reproduce the issue you mentioned with, and I haven't seen that one reported before. Could you try creating a new Login manually using the steps here? Let me know if you're able to fill after that.

  • khb54321
    Community Member

    I haven't tried what you suggested. I've been paying attention to whether it's happened so I can take note of the circumstances. Then, I'll create a new login for PayPal. Thank you.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Sounds good @khb54321, let us know how it goes :+1:

  • khb54321
    Community Member

    The issue occurred again today, from It sent me to the PayPal box to login, and PayPal rejected the login. See attached, but note that I deleted my username before I took the screenshot. I went into 1P directly, copied the password and pasted it into the password box, and logged in fine.

    Although 1P often asks me if I want to save a new login for PayPal (I ignore it), it didn't this time. I've created a new PayPal login entry in 1, without changing my password. I'll try that next time I use PayPal and see how it goes. These are minor issues for me. I'm just reporting them in case it's useful. I see the advice about Royal Bank, above. I could try that if this really bugged me enough, but it doesn't!


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    I think it's good that you created a new Login :+1: I would also be curious to know something else: without waiting until you purchase something else, does this login work well if you try to login to the Paypal website directly?

  • khb54321
    Community Member

    Right now, yes it does. The old 1Password record works, as does the duplicate I made, when I log into the PayPal site using safari on iPad. I don’t remember if I used to have any trouble with it, which is moot anyway.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    It's good to hear that the direct login works, which shows that there is nothing wrong with the Login items themselves :+1:

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