1Password 7.7 not working (App does not open)

James SCL
James SCL
Community Member

I'm having problems with 1Password 7.7 (70700015) (standalone license) on an iMac (10.13.6) with iCloud Sync. 1Password does not open at all since today. I have tried opening 1Password multiple times with no success.

I've noticed that 1Password has been behaving differently in the last few weeks. In general, it takes more time to open and I have needed to restart or force quit 1Password frequently in the last 2-3 weeks in order to do my job (I just read a recent thread addressing this "slower" response),

The current problem is different. I am not able to open 1Password at all (the app is not responding). This problem started today and I have restarted the iMac at least four times in case that helped but the problem persists. Every time I try to open 1Password I receive the usual message "1Password 7 quit unexpectedly. Click reopen to open the application again.." Once I click reopen nothing happens. The app is unresponsive. I have saved some of the error reports in case that helps. I also noticed the 1Password Extension for Safari is no longer available on the Safari Toolbar since today (I used the extension yesterday but now is no longer available).

I'm unable to access 1 Password on my iMac. I have iCloud Sync and Time machine backups but I need to open the app and access the data on my computer. I'd like some assistance/suggestions in order to solve this problem and avoid losing data. Thanks in advance.


1Password Version: 7.7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.6
Sync Type: iCloud


  • @James SCL

    Let's try replacing the app.

    1. Quit all open web browsers.
    2. Look for our helper in the menu bar near the WiFi indicator and the clock. Right-click on the helper and select quit 1Password completely.
    3. Drag 1Password from the Applications folder to the Trash. Do not use an "app cleaner" or "uninstaller" tool to remove the app or additional files. If prompted, enter the password you use to sign in to your Mac.
    4. Restart the Mac.
    5. Download the latest version of 1Password from the 1Password website.
    6. Quit any open web browsers and then install 1Password.
    7. Open and unlock 1Password before opening your web browser.
  • James SCL
    James SCL
    Community Member


    Thanks for the reply. I'm unable to complete steps #2 and #3 before downloading the latest version of 1Password from the 1Password website.

    Step #2: I could no complete step #2 because there is no helper icon in the menu bar. The helper icon was there yesterday but is no longer visible since I started having problems opening the App. I'm unable to "quit 1Password completely" using the helper submenu because there is no helper icon available (just like there is no 1Password Extension in Safari). is there another way to make sure the helper is no longer active? Is there a file I can locate in the Finder?

    Step#3: I dragged 1Password from the Application folder to the Trash (The 1Password app is the only file in the Trash). I was not prompted to enter my Mac password to delete 1Password. I have tried to empty the trash multiple times (after closing all open browsers, Safari in my case) but i keep receiving this window message after I click "Empty Trash":

    "The operation can’t be completed because the item “1Password 7.app” is in use."
    Buttons: Skip / Stop / Continue

    I have clicked the "Continue" button multiple times but I cannot empty the Trash and 1Password stays in the Trash. I tried to use the "Delete immediately" menu alternative and received the following message: "The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data in “Base.lproj” can’t be read or written. (Error code -36)"

    The Trash message seems to suggest 1Password is in use somewhere. I don't know if the helper or other component are the reason why I'm unable to quit 1Password completely and delete 1Password from the Trash? As a consequence, Is it safe to download the latest version of 1Password if it's not possible to delete the application from the Trash? What steps should I follow now before downloading the latest version of 1Password given these new problems?

  • James SCL
    James SCL
    Community Member

    Follow-up: Attached are screenshots of the Trash and Trash window message if that helps. I have restarted my Mac and tried to empty the trash multiple times with no success since my last post, but the problem persists.

    I'm still unable to complete steps #2 and #3 as explained in my previous post. The current Trash has a "1Password 7.app" that it can't be emptied. It seems that as long as I have a 1Password remnant in the Trash I won't be able to download and install the latest version of 1Password and finally access my 1Password data on my Mac.

    There is no 1Password helper icon in the menu bar and I have no way to "quit 1Password completely". Is there an alternative way to "quit 1Password completely" if the helper icon is not available in the menu bar in order to make sure the helper or other 1Password component is still interfering?

    What is the risk of downloading and installing the latest version of 1Password if there is "1Password.app" file (remnant) in the Trash that can not be deleted? Should I look for other 1Password files to make sure the helper or other files are not interfering with steps #2 and #3? Please, let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks in advance.

  • ag_tommy
    edited January 2021

    @James SCL

    1. Open Activity Monitor in the Utilities folder.
    2. Type 1Password in the search box.
    3. Do you see 1Password listed?

    1Password 7
    1Password Extension Helper
    1Password 7 (Safari)

    If so, select the entry and click the X at the top of activity monitor to force quit 1Password. Then proceed with the installation.


    If that fails, I would suggest starting the Mac in safe mode and removing 1Password. Then restarting and installing 1Password.

  • James SCL
    James SCL
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply.

    I typed 1Password in the search box (Activity Monitor) and there is only one 1Password entry: 1PasswordAgent. I selected the entry, clicked the X at the top and the "Force Quit" button. 1PasswordAgent did not quit and stays in Activity Monitor,

    I'll start the Mac in safe mode. I'll let you know if I'm unable to remove 1Password.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Sounds good @James SCL, let us know how it goes :+1:

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