Need custom password options on "use suggested password" pop-up


this is kind of a follow-up, yet distinct request to the topic referenced below.

When on a new account sign-up on a website, the 1password pop-up for "use suggested password" needs to be full-featured.

Often some websites have custom password confines such as max length or permission to use special characters. The password offered by "use suggested password" pop-up conforms to my saved preference (a thousand characters + special ;) ), but if I am forced to use a simpler password (while looking at the on-screen requirements), there is no way to do that in the pop-up. The very undesirable work-around is to go to 1password main dialog to create a new login where the options are offered.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 1.24.1
OS Version: linux
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @btmurrell ,

    1Password tries to read as much information as it can from the website in order to determine a suitable password suggestion. In cases where 1Password misses its mark and suggests an incompatible password, you can generate your own one in the password generator that lives in the extension:

    On the next update of 1Password in the browser, the generator will immediately show up as soon as you click the 1Password icon on the top right corner of your browser, which will save you 2-3 clicks of reaching to it :)

  • btmurrell
    Community Member

    Thanks, @ag_yaron -- My request is to provide a dialog that exposes the custom generation options right there on the page form. What I am saying is that often times, 1password does not get the information from the website on what their password requirements are. Best to just provide users with the full tool capability of 1password with the fewest amount of clicks. Again, you could take a tip from lastpass on how they do it because it's smooth. This is a serious usability deficit for 1password, where otherwise you all shine bright. Please consider this an enhancement request.

  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for the feedback and additional information @btmurrell .

    I'll forward this as a feature request.

    ref: dev/projects/customer-feature-requests#447

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