Disappear after drag/drop

Community Member

I can summon 1Password Mini then drag/drop the password to the appropriate app. 1Password Mini even disappears while I'm dragging, so I can see the apps behind it. This is great!

But after I have dropped the password, 1Password mini comes back to the foreground. It's now on top, with focus. It requires something like 1–3 presses of the escape key to dismiss it (maybe how many depends on which part of its UI is focused, or whether I have searched, not quite sure). Particularly on these horrible MBPs with the faux escape "key" on the Touch Bar™, this is really not great.

Is there any way to make 1Password stay gone after I have completed a drag/drop? I don't want the window to come back after I've dropped.

In the 5% of cases where I have to drag/drop both user name and password or something like that, I'm fine just re-summoning it (via keyboard shortcut).


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dale_s!

    Thank you for the feedback! I can see how it would be useful to have 1Password mini close automatically. Perhaps this is something our developers can consider for a future version. We will keep an eye out for similar feedback :+1:

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