Deleting duplicate items from migration

Community Member


I have been a user of 1Password since version 2. A few years ago I migrated to the newer subscription/family plan. When I did this it created a vault for me in the family plan by copying everything in my private vault to a new vault. It asked me if I wanted to keep my private vault and - fearing some type of data loss - I said yes. Now I have duplicate entries of everything. I have basically ignored this for years but it drives me crazy. I have started looking at each duplicate manually but it is taking forever (I have over 1600 items in each vault). Is there anyway to look at the duplicates side-by-side and combine or delete the redundant ones (like the Apple Contact app does).

I have tried using the Help->Tools->Clean up duplicate items but this only works inside of a single vault. I don't want to just delete my private vault now because I am afraid that I might have changed the info in that vault rather than my new vault by accident.

Thanks for any suggestions.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tkny!

    I have tried using the Help->Tools->Clean up duplicate items but this only works inside of a single vault. I don't want to just delete my private vault now because I am afraid that I might have changed the info in that vault rather than my new vault by accident.

    You should not delete your Private vault: that's the vault in your Families account. You should remove a vault called Primary from the 1Password app instead: that's the old one you had before the migration.

    And you are right: the duplicate removal tool only works within a single vault. If the duplicates are because the same data is in multiple vaults, you should just remove the duplicate vault :+1:

  • tkny
    Community Member

    Umm there is no "Primary" vault. this is the structure of my vaults:

    (flag icon)USERNAME
    (key lock icon) Private
    (key lock icon) Kid1 Vault
    (key lock icon) Kid2 Vault
    (key lock icon) MyNew Vault
    (key lock icon) Shared
    (plus sign icon) New Vault

    The "Private" vault is my old original account. the "MyNew Vault" is the new migrated account. As I said above, I don't want to just delete my private vault now because I am afraid that I might have changed the info in that vault rather than my new vault by accident.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    The "Private" vault is my old original account. the "MyNew Vault" is the new migrated account.

    The migration process when you switch to a 1Password account works like this: from the Primary vault, 1Password migrates data to your Private vault. At this point, it asks you if you want to keep the old Primary vault in the app or not.

    In your case however, it sounds like you did remove the old Primary vault, but that you also ran the migration a second time, this time from the Private vault to a MyNew Vault, which is a custom one you created. Could this be what happened?

    If we understand the steps you took, perhaps we can suggest something. The difficulty here is that, from what you wrote, it sounds like you might have used both vaults for a while instead of just one, so it would be impossible to just delete one or the other to clean up things quickly.

  • Encantado_Cider
    Community Member

    Hi @ag_ana:

    I have a similar situation to @tkny. I transitioned to the family plan a few years ago after being a long time user of the Mac version of 1Password, and like @tkny kept my primary vault, but did eventually remove it. However, I have a LOT of duplicates that were generated when (at some point), exported the data from an older vault in the application to CSV and then imported it into what ids now my Private vault.

    The Help->Tools->Clean up duplicate items, doesn't recognise these duplicates as duplicates at all - maybe because there is TAG saying CSV Import, or in some cases the last modified Time is a tiny bit different - but the username and passwor etc are the same.

    Removal of duplicates seems to have been a problem for 1Password for years now. Perhaps as users we need to be able to choose the parameters of fields that are compared to determine if a pw IS a duplicate (maybe by an "advanced" option - similar to duplicate file finding applications that allow for instance a 1 hr time difference on the timestamp or tolerant of up to a defined number of seconds, and selection of the fields that are used for identification of duplicates - then display the newest version, plus identified duplicates with these by default selected for deletion, but with the option to deselect them. You could even give the option to create a 'backed up passwords' vault.
    GIVE US users our passwords back!!

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2021


    The Help->Tools->Clean up duplicate items, doesn't recognise these duplicates as duplicates at all - maybe because there is TAG saying CSV Import, or in some cases the last modified Time is a tiny bit different - but the username and passwor etc are the same.

    Just so we are not missing any information: if all of these additional items have a tag, can you not just select the tag, select all of the items inside it, and remove the duplicates that way?

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