Suggest Providing Status/Roadmap of Preview


It would be helpful if the development team provided a document giving the implementation status of 1Password 8. I'm sure there is a list of yet unlimited features and known issues. Visibility into this would perhaps ease some of the chat in this forum.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • tomjepp
    Community Member

    I agree.

    Given the current very early feeling state of the preview, and the generally frosty reception it seems to have received, I think it would be helpful for us as customers to get an idea of where 1Password 8 is going.

  • claus
    Community Member

    ... and version 7!

  • XIII
    Community Member

    For v7 it’s simple: in “Maintenance Mode”, since 1-Apr-2020…

    Source: AgileBits

    Very disappointed to learn that; it means that for over a year my subscription fee has not been used to improve v7, but to build v8. A product that - after almost 1.5 years of development - does not even deserve the qualification “subpar” when compared with v7…

  • m4rkw
    Community Member

    And will only ever be subpar at best given the framework that was used to build it.

  • alexclst
    Community Member
    edited August 2021

    I agree that a clear roadmap is something us longtime users deserve. Specifically, to answer a few questions:

    1. When are you aiming to launch the general release of 1P 8? I hope not concurrently with when we're all guessing macOS 12 ships in the next month or two (similar to past major 1P releases being timed alongside OS), but much later. 1P 8 is much bigger of a shift than the past, and quite frankly needs a lot more work.
    2. What is left on the roadmap before general release of 1P 8?
    3. What is aimed at future updates to 8.x?

    I've been living on the 1P 8 alpha this weekend. May or may not go back to 1P 7 entirely. There may, after my initial mostly emotional feelings towards it, be enough to like. Plus as a developer myself I like being able to test early releases and provide tons of feedback to the developers. But I also want to know when to expect a solid release, because I have friends and family using 1P and I want to have an idea when this will be offered to them, even if I'll have been living on it for weeks or months before then.

  • stupefly
    Community Member

    Agreed. Based on beta status, it's reasonable to presume that the software is feature complete. AgileBits comments on this forum have implied that it isn't and that it was never intended to be.

  • Tertius3
    Community Member

    It's still not clear how early the early access is really. Some companies publish a preview 1 year or more before release as soon as the first coherent main body is available, other companies publish a preview 1 month before actual release.

    Most of the closed source "beta" and "preview" versions I saw from other companies were feature complete with all their main features, even if the beta status suggested otherwise. All missing stuff people thought that would be added before release were never added. The only missing stuff was polish of existing stuff and bug fixing. Even annoyances identified by users hours after beta release were never changed, even years after release.

    So I assume the current early access is what we will see as release. It will get a bit of polish of course before release, but the functions are there. For example, according to the dev feedback for the windows early access, I assume there will be no custom rearranging of fields in the release. Or custom icons. Or the ability to set the app language differently to the OS system language. The support answer to such reports was always they informed the devs that this feature was asked for. It was never answered the feature is still in development and will be included later. In addition, the only updates for the Windows early access in the 2.5 months of its existence were actually polish and bugfixing. No expansion of the feature set. See yourself:

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