1PW8 Windows - 1 Bug & New search is a functionality regression & Compact Mode Please

  1. Bug - When logging into a new 1Password account, on the signin screen. I cannot paste into any field IF copied from 1Password. Yes, I have a lot of separate 1password accounts to log into and I keep those account credentials in my personal 1password. When I copied the password out of 1password, goto sign in to the new account... I couldn't paste. Right click & paste, or ctrl+v. Now if I paste that password into any other window, it works. If I then copy that password out of that window, I can paste it back into 1Password.

    • The search bar is cool, I get it. But I want a filter system. Before I started typing and it'd just filter down the results and I could immediately click on whatever I needed. Now I type, need to remember to use ctrl+enter when I think I have enough to filter it down properly. Or up & enter. Then review the list, then maybe go back to the search and... start all over again because it doesn't remember what I had typed before.

The "search" versus filter is probably an improvement for your average user with 1 account and only using it for a few dozen personal things. But if you've got access to many 1password accounts and potentially access to thousands of stored credentials, it doesn't work. It's significantly more work to use and significantly slower on the overall workflow. The problem is that I may not know exactly what it is I'm looking for and much of the stored information isn't things like site credentials which are easy to deal with.

Maybe one day I'll find a new workflow that works with the system, but the drop of filter support is kinda... really terrible. Please give us an alternative to the search.

    • Compact mode. Please. The list of accounts/vaults just for my first two accounts scrolls off the screen - on your standard 32" monitor. Oh and I can only see 15 items at a time? There's like 50% padding between each item.

1Password Version: 8.1.2-82BETA
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • Blake

    Thanks for writing in @ShakataGaNai 🤗

    1. Bug - When logging into a new 1Password account, on the signin screen. I cannot paste into any field IF copied from 1Password. Yes, I have a lot of separate 1password accounts to log into and I keep those account credentials in my personal 1password. When I copied the password out of 1password, goto sign in to the new account... I couldn't paste. Right click & paste, or ctrl+v. Now if I paste that password into any other window, it works. If I then copy that password out of that window, I can paste it back into 1Password.

    I wasn't able to reproduce this one on my end of things. Any chance you have any clipboard-altering software installed on your machine at all?

    The search bar is cool, I get it. But I want a filter system. Before I started typing and it'd just filter down the results and I could immediately click on whatever I needed. Now I type, need to remember to use ctrl+enter when I think I have enough to filter it down properly. Or up & enter. Then review the list, then maybe go back to the search and... start all over again because it doesn't remember what I had typed before.

    I totally agree, a more granular filter system, like the one we had in 1Password 7 would certainly be welcome. I can't share specific details, but know that this is definitely something on our radar.

    Compact mode. Please. The list of accounts/vaults just for my first two accounts scrolls off the screen - on your standard 32" monitor. Oh and I can only see 15 items at a time? There's like 50% padding between each item.

    While I'm not sure if a specific "compact mode" is something we're looking to do, we're definitely still in the process of fine-tuning how things are displayed, especially in regards to the padding/whitespace between items, as it definitely can get to be a bit much when you have tons of vaults and tags.

    Our Lead Designer, Dan Peterson talks more about that over here.

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