AutoFill broken on


Good morning,

it seems like zoom updated their login form in a way, that currently breaks autofill/1Password sign in.
If i select an account from the 1Password selection, and press sign in, I get a 401 Unauthorized error. If I copy/paste eMail and password from 1Password, manually, each into it's box, I get signed in, fine....

Michael Rother
SysAdmin esanum GmbH

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 2.0.5
OS Version: Win 10 Pro 21H1


  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @Trminator ,

    Is this the login page you are referring to?

    If so, can you please try saving a new login on that page like so:

    1. Open your 1Password.
    2. Locate the current login entry for this website and delete it from your 1Password (make sure to copy the username and password to a temporary location if you don't remember it by heart).
    3. Go to the login page and paste your username and password into the fields.
    4. Click the "Save in 1Password" button that shows up and save it as a new login.
    5. Refresh the page, then try to autofill the new login you just saved.

    Did that improve things?

  • Trminator
    Community Member

    @ag_yaron Yes, that is the page in question, which had a makeover, recently, by zoom.

    I tried creating a new Entry, from scratch, but that did NOT improve the issue (I had previously tried, to "update" the existing entries I have, as well, since I knew that the passwords were right... but that did not change anything, either.)

  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2021

    Thanks for confirming @Trminator .

    I'm testing this here and things seem to work correctly for me as I'm able to log into the account. I did, however, encountered some troubles when trying to change my password with 1Password's suggested strong passwords. Perhaps they changed something in their requirements there.

    Can you please try changing your password to one that does not contain any symbols (only alphanumeric) and see if that allows you to log in successfully?
    If not, please right click the password field after you autofill it and select "Inspect", then change the field's type="password" to type="text" by editing it directly in the HTML code that shows up and hit Enter to apply the change. That will reveal the password in the field and allow you to compare it to your actual password and see if something is off there.

    Let me know what you find.

  • Trminator
    Community Member

    Hi @ag_yaron,

    this is getting stranger and stranger. When I checked my passwords, they were free of any symbols. I noticed though, that if I changed the input field's type (and kept the web-developer bar open, which "automatically" disables cache, the sign in was working fine ...
    Trying a sign in in a private tab did NOT lead to the same result, though ... But open web-developer toolbar also worked in the private tab to "make it work" ...
    So, I tried clearing any and all local / session data connected to zoom ... that did not help, either, though :/


  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the additional info @Trminator .
    Strage indeed.

    I would like you to test this on a new user profile in your browser and see if it works as expected, as I suspect something's a bit off with your main profile. Please try this:

    1. Open a new user profile in your browser.
    2. Switch into the new profile, the install only 1Password in it:
    3. Test and see if logging into Zoom works as expected, without having the developer tools open.

    If that works fine in the new profile, then something's definitely off in your main profile. I'd suggest switching back to the main profile, disabling all extensions except for 1Password and see if that made any difference. If that didn't help, let me know which browser you are using and we'll try to reset its settings to default.

  • Trminator
    Community Member

    Hi @ag_yaron ,

    you're right. It does work on a clean profile, so, I'll have to clean up/recreate my work-profile, at some point in the near future. :)

    Thanks for the help, anyways :)

  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    I'm glad I was able to point you in the right direction :)

    If you reset your main profile to default settings, you shouoldn't lose too much data, so I'd do that first before rebuilding the whole thing.
    We're here if you require further assistance.

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