Searching doesn't seem to be working correctly


I'm searching for the last four digits of a credit card number, which I've done often in the past. (Yes, I have too many credit cards.) The application wouldn't find it. It found a tech support number that had the same four number string at the head, and only showed that item.


P.S. In About 1Password there used to be a handy button to copy the version number. Could we have that back please sir?

1Password Version: Mac 8.2.0-44.BETA
Extension Version: Mac 8.2.0-44.BETA
OS Version: 11.5.2


  • rob

    Hey, @TomWolsky, great catch. I see we have an issue open for this and we were making some improvements to search this past week, so hopefully we'll be able to squash this soon.

    ref: dev/core/core#7795

    Regarding the copy version info button, I've passed that on to the team. You can, however, select the version information text and copy the pieces you'd like.

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