Quick Access options not always relevant


One thing I realized today: Have the browser integration disabled (the backend forth between the browser and app and overlaying dialogs were too much for me).
I tried to play around with the Quick Access window and when I select an item, it allows to open and fill. It shouldn’t mention that when the integration is disabled since it can’t do it. It will open the corresponding link in the browser, but it won’t fill anything. Shouldn’t it be rephrased in this case to simply “Open”??


1Password Version: 8.2.2
Extension Version: 2.0.6
OS Version: 12


  • Hi @cortig, a solid point! I have been able to reproduce this and can verify that it's as you've said. To follow on that, I have filed an issue with our developers to take a look at what the options are for handling this better. Thanks for the keen observation! 😎

    ref: dev/core/core#10238

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