Deleted items keep showing up in search in 1Password 8, and not in 1Password 7


Since I'm using 1Password 8 I keep seeing deleted passwords in the search results. They don't show up in the prefilled items in the search, but as soon as I click on show all matching items they keep showing up. It is not clear that these are already deleted since the only difference is that I can't delete them again. It would be nice to match with the current 1Password 7 configuration that they will not be shown, or indicate clearly that these items are already deleted.

1Password Version: 8.2.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 11.5.2


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @sissing!

    It is not clear that these are already deleted since the only difference is that I can't delete them again. It would be nice to match with the current 1Password 7 configuration that they will not be shown, or indicate clearly that these items are already deleted.

    Thank you for the suggestion! I see that our developers are aware of this request, so I can tell you that they are currently discussing this:+1:

    ref: dev/core/core#6722

  • sissing
    Community Member


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    :+1: :)

  • ITSourcePro
    Community Member

    Yes!! We need this!! We've been trying to clean up duplicates and it makes it impossible to do so with previous deleted items showing in the search.

  • ITSourcePro
    Community Member

    You also can't seem to search one a single vault. When I move an item between vaults the search still list the original vault. There is stuff that shows up in the search that doesn't exist in the Recently deleted or either vault I have in the account. I went to the website to recover something that 8.2 seemed to have deleted but when I hit restore it couldn't find the item? Seems the 8.2 client isn't synchronized with the web. The Desktop finds far more items that I have deleted, even after I have purged them from the website.

  • @ITSourcePro

    Thanks for chiming in. You can scope search results to a single vault using the =vault: prefix. For example, =vault:Personal Apple ID will only return results for Apple ID from your Personal vault. There is more work to do here, but I hope that helps in the short term.


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