Highlight search results in Secure Notes


Is there a plan to finally enable highlighting the results of text found via search in Secure Notes, or an additional option to find within the Secure Notes textbox?

I know this was mentioned several times in the forums in v7, but I noticed it still doesn't seem to exist throughout the entire v8 cycle either.

This would be very useful functionality as it's so hard to figure out in longer notes where the text was found.

Seems like a big miss and makes it frustrating to more effectively use Secure Notes.


1Password Version: 8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:highlight secure notes


  • Hi @edspar, thanks for this! I don't have anything new to report on this at the moment, but it is a request we've received before and our developers are aware of it. I'll be happy to add your comments here to our internal feature request issue, with thanks - we do act on customer feedback, and appreciate you'd take the time to let us know this matters to you, and the specifics of why!

    ref: dev/core/core#9688

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