Search field needs major redesign: too limited for average user

Community Member

To me 1Password search made a major step backwards compared to 1Password 7 in terms of usability

A key feature is to search on special attributes and limit search to given vaults.
The current implementation always searches for everything and on every vault.

The way to limit this, is ways too much technical for the average user. Eg I figured by experimenting, that actually you can have a search expression like this: =vault:Personal to limit a search to the Personal vault store in a family account. Gosh.... how complicated.

Use case: users moving from personal to family account wanting to share certain items from your personal store to the family.
To do this, you search for items and move those to a different vault … super easy in 1Password 7, really a tedious work in 1Password 8.

Please make a simpler, more efficient search experience.

1Password Version: 8.2.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • Hi there. Thanks for your feedback. I agree the search experience could be better and we, indeed, have plans to address that. ;)

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