Boolean search ?


I was tried to search for the password for a web site but could not remember the full name, only know that it has "bike" in the middle of the name . I have tried bike and *bike but nothing comes up.

Just wondering this feature request is part of the 1P8 development

1Password Version: 80400010, on BETA channel
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 11.6


  • ag_andrew
    edited October 2021

    Hi @thirsytlizard! This is great feedback because you've hit on something we are constantly trying to make better. When we starting building 1Password 8 we knew we wanted a great search experience. In no particular order we want the search in 1Password 8 to be:

    • Fast. The faster we can find the item you're looking for the better.
    • Efficient. If we can save your battery on your laptop or phone, we want to do that.
    • Accurate. If it's in there, we want to find it.

    As part of speed and efficiency we have chosen an algorithm that breaks searchable text in your items up into tokens and then matches those tokens against your search text. This is great because it's very fast, but it can fail to match text that appears in the middle of a word. For example, searching for oogle would not match google.

    As you can see we have some work to do before we'll be happy with our Accuracy. But rest assured we're working on it.

    Hopefully that gives you some insights into how we're thinking about search in 1Password 8. Thanks again for your feedback and please do let us know if you find anything else you love or would like to see improved in 1Password 8.

  • thirsytlizard
    Community Member

    @ag_andrew Thanks, great to hear that this is on the roadmap

  • @thirsytlizard 👍 let us know if you run into anything else!

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