Feature request: Mark watchtower items as 'acknowledged'


Watchtower is an incredible feature and love the newer visual approach in 1P8. It gives me confidence that I am continuously improving my digital security in all of the categories involved. I also do a monthly 1P Watchtower audit for any items that could be addressed, or spend some time improving less secure passwords. I also see it as an ongoing "check list" if you will, especially with the new design updates.

One example, I have 8 passwords that 1P8 considers as a weak password, which I would definitely agree with. Although I am not able to make these 8 items more secure for various reasons. They may be a service that only allows a 4 digit PIN as a password, intentionally easy because the nature of the content and shareability, or they're shared passwords where it's not my place to update the passwords.

So each time I view the Watchtower it's hard to understand which "action items" I may have it would be great to have an option to mark a Watchtower item as "acknowledged" or as "seen". The thinking is that this would allow me to acknowledge that I know I have 8 weak passwords, so next time I view Watchtower if other accounts that I am actually able to improve are more easily identifiable.

To make it more complicated, I would still love a way to see which items could be more secure if I am able to update it at a later date. This could potentially apply to all Watchtower categories.

Thank you for reading and considering!

1Password Version: 8.4.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 12.0.1


  • mia
    Community Member

    I have the same problem. There are some sites (library, Costco Wireless... seriously?) that don't allow more than 8 character passwords, so I have no choice. It's painful to look at the red in Watchtower. Not saying I agree with your suggestions as I'm 50/50 on this one.
    Maybe an option in the login when editing that says "Don't include in Watchtower", although that would add to screen clutter.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you both for the feedback @cantgetagoodsn and @mia! I have let the developers know that you would like this feature :+1:

    ref: dev/projects/customer-feature-requests#130

This discussion has been closed.